(SER-GA-454) Marietta Cadet Squadron
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Message to New Members

June 8, 2020

It’s been my privilege and honor to serve the Marietta Air Museum Cadet Squadron as it’s Commander for so many reasons.  It’s been incredible seeing how so many members have brought their richly-diverse talents and their dedication to creating a Squadron that is well-rounded and ready to serve our community, state and nation!  Every week I see these amazing, hard-working members come together to achieve the common goals of supporting our missions and our cadets.  

The Mighty 454  or “Raptors” are a fantastic group of people who create an atmosphere of learning, creativity and appreciation for each other’s skills that has allowed us to actively train and participate in the incredible Cadet Program, Emergency Services and Aerospace Education, the three blades of the Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary.

The Cadet Program is for young people between the ages of 12 (or 11, having completed the sixth grade) and 21.  They learn the skills of Leadership, Followship, self-motivation, individual and group discipline and teamwork, all within a framework of military customs and courtesies.  Our cadets gain valuable experience in skills that will assist them in any walk of life.  It shows them that everyone has a part to play in making the mission work. There are extraordinary opportunities for cadets to be a part of something truly important and life-changing!

Our Emergency Services program trains members for the skills needed to assist when called upon by USAF, GEMA and many other “customers” who rely upon trained Search and Rescue teams in times of community need, disaster relief, missing aircraft or persons, etc.  Our communications network is one of the largest in the world.  We are constantly in a posture of training to keep our skills honed to be ready when we’re called.

The Aerospace Education program uses a variety of tools to teach the history and future of aviation and space endeavors.  We have guest speakers, STEM programs, and our cadets and senior members use self-study to increase their knowledge and understanding of the importance of aerospace to our future.

The Civil Air Patrol, USAF Auxiliary, is an organization that has always been dedicated to serving our nation.  It’s an incredible group of volunteers who come together to make a difference!  I’m so extremely proud of our members, past and present, who see service and volunteerism as a privilege and a calling.  A few citizens doing a tremendous amount of good! 

Strong Alone. Unstoppable Together!

Lt Col Berg

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